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Monday 26 March 2012

The Saintly Voices - Akha Bhagat.(Soni)

 ગુજરાતના મહાન ચિત્રકાર શ્રી રવિશંકર રાવળ કૃત અખા ભગત (સોની) નું ચિત્ર.  

અખાનો જીવનકાળ મુઘલ સુશાશન ગુજરાતનો સુવર્ણ સમય હતો. આ સલ્તનતના સમયના ત્રણ મહાન સાહિત્યકારોમાં અખાનું સ્થાન હતું. અખો - અખા ભગતનાં નામે પણ ઓળખાય છે તેનું મૂળ નામ અખેરામ હતું. અખાનો જન્મ ગુજરાતના અમદાવાદ ની દક્ષિણે આવેલા જેતલપુરમાં ઈ.સં. ૧૫૯૧ સોની રહીયાદાસનાં ઘરે થયો હતો. અખો જન્મે અને વ્યવસાયે સોની હતો તે પંદર સોળ વર્ષની વયે પિતા તેના બે ભાઈઓ ગંગારામ , ધામસી અને એક બહેન સાથે વ્યવસાયઅર્થે જેતલપુરથી અમદાવાદના ખાડીયાના દેસાઈની પોળમાં આવીનીને વસ્યો હતો.  

અખાનું કૌટુંબીક જીવન ઘણું સંઘર્ષ ભર્યું હતું બાળપણમાં માતાની છત્રછાયા ગુમાવી અને ઓગણીશ વર્ષે પિતા સ્વર્ગવાસ પામ્યા. ટૂંક સમયમાં એકની એક બહેન મૃત્યુ પામી. બાળવયે લગ્ન કર્યા હતા તે પત્નીનું યુવાનવયે મૃત્યુ થયું ત્યારબાદ અખાએ બીજા લગ્ન કર્યા 

જહાંગીરના સમયની અમદાવાદની એક સરકારી ટંકશાળમાં અખાએ જે ઉચ્ચ હોદ્દો મેળવ્યો હતો તે સાબિત કરે છે કે તેના માં વ્યવસાયિક અને વ્યવહારિક કુશળતાઓ ઘણી હતી ત્યાં કોઈએ રાવ કરીકે અખો સોનાના સિક્કામાં ભેળસેળ કરે છે એટેલે અખાને જેલની સજા થય જોકે પાછળથી અખો નિર્દોષ છુટ્યો. 

અખાએ એક ધર્મની બહેન માનેલી હતી એ બહેને અખાને ત્યાં ત્રણસો રૂપિયા રાખેલા તેણે અખાને એક સોનાની કંઠી બનાવી આપવા કહેલું અખો કુશળ કરીગર તો હતોજ તેને બહેન પ્રત્યે ભાવ હતો આથી અખાએ ગાંઠના સો રૂપિયા ઉમેરી સારી કંઠી કરી આપી પણ કોઈકે ધર્મની નાં મનમાં ઘાલ્યો કે સોની નો શું વિશ્વાસ? એટલે તેણે બીજ સોની પાસે કપ મુકાવ્યો સોનું સાચું નીકળ્યું બાઈ પસ્તાય તેણે પાછુ સોનીને કાપ સરખો કરી આપવા કહ્યું પણ અખા જેવા કુશળ કારીગરે કરેલ કંઠી પર નો કાપ સરખો થયો નહી આથી બાઈ પાછી કંઠી લઈ અખા પાસે ગય ત્યાં અખાએ કળથી બાઈ પાસેથી બધી વાત કાઢાવી લીધી આ સાંભળી અખાને ખુબ દુખ થયું જીવનના આવા પ્રસંગોનાં કરને અખાણે સંસાર પરથી વિશ્વાસ ઉઠી ગયો. 

સંસારનાં આ અવિશ્વાસ અને સ્વાર્થની પ્રગટેલી આગથી અખાને સમાજ અને વ્યવસાય પરથી મન ઉઠી ગયુ. આથી આખાએ એકવાર સોનીકામનાં બધા ઓજારો એક કુવામાં ફેકી દીધા અને અનંત જ્ઞાનની તલાશમાં નીકળી પડ્યો. અખો બહુ ભણેલો નહી પણ ભારતભરમાં ભ્રમણ કરી આખો અલગ અલગ સંપ્રદાયોથી સારો એવો પરિચિત થયેલો. એ તેમને રચેલા વિપુલ સાહિત્ય રચનાઓ પરથી સિદ્ધ થાય છે. અખો એકધર્મી નહોતો અને મૂર્તિ પૂજા અવતારો માં માનતો નહિ બલકે તે એક મધ્યકાલીન યુગનો સમાજ સુધારક અને બધાજ સમ્પ્રદાયોને જોડનારો સમન્વયવાદી અને એકેશ્વરવાદી  હતો. કવિ દલપતરામ મૂર્તિ પૂજામાં માનનારા સ્વામીનારાયણ સંપ્રદાયનાં ચુસ્ત અનુયાની હોવા છતાં તેણે અખાની પ્રશંસા કરી છે. 

અખો કુળધર્મે વૈષ્ણવ હતો તેથી ગોકુલધામ જઈ શ્રી ગોકુલનાથજી મહારાજ પાસે એણે દીક્ષા લીધી આ ગુરુ ઢોંગી નીકળતા અખો કહે.

"ગુરુ કીધા મેં ગોકુલનાથ, 
ઘરડા બળદને ઘાલી નાથ, 
ધન લે ને ધોકો નવ હરે, 
એ ગુરુ કલ્યાણ શું કરે ?"  

ત્યાંથી ચાલી નીકળી અખો અનંત જ્ઞાનની તરસ છીપાવવા કાશીનાં વેદવિદ્ બ્રહ્માનંદ સ્વામીનો શિષ્ય થવા ગયો. બ્રહ્માનંદ સ્વામી ગુફામાં રહેતા ત્યાં ગુફાની પ્રવેશ દ્વાર પર એક મોટો પથ્થર હતો પણ અખો ત્યાજ ગુરુજી ની પ્રતીક્ષા કરતો રહ્યો અંતે ગુરુજી અખાની જ્ઞાન પિપાસાથી પ્રસ્સન થઈ બહાર આવી શિષ્ય તરકે સ્વીકાર કરીને વેદાન્ત વિદ્યાનું જ્ઞાન આપ્યું આમ અખાને વૈરાગ્ય, જ્ઞાન અને ભક્તિનાં સમન્વય અને ઊંડી સાધના થી આત્મજ્ઞાન થયું અને અને મુખમાં સરસ્વતી બિરાજમાન થયા ને વાણી ખીલી. આ સાથે અખાએ છપ્પા લખવાનું ચાબખા મારવાનું શરુ કર્યું. અખાની બધીજ રચનાઓ મુખ્યત્વે સમાજમાં રહેલા અવિશ્વાસ, આડંબર, ઢોંગીઓ, ઠગબાજી પ્રત્યેનો તિરસ્કાર દર્શાવે છે. અખાએ સમાજને સમાજમાં રહેલા આડંબર, ઠગબાજી ખુબજ સરસ રીતે જીણવટ ભર્યા દાખલાઓ, પ્રસંગો વર્ણવીને શિખામણ આપી છે. તેમની રચનાઓ ઉપહાસ, હાસ્ય અને કટાક્ષથી ભરપુર હોય છે. આથી અખાની લખવાની સીધી સાદી છટા ગુજરાતી સાહિત્ય જગતમાં ખુબજ પ્રશંસનીય અને પ્રખ્યાત છે. અખાએ તેના જીવનકાળ દરમિયાન કુલ ૭૪૬ છપ્પાની રચના કરેલ છે. તેમની કેટલીક પ્રચલિત રચનાઓ 

અખાજીના સોરઠા 
અખાના છપ્પા 
અખાના પદ 
અનુભવ બિંદુ 
ગુરૂ શિષ્ય સંવાદ 
ચિત્ત વિચાર સંવાદ 

"ભાષાને શું વળગે ભૂર ? 
જે રણમાં જીતે તે શુર, 
સંસ્કૃત બોલે તે શું થયું? 
કાંઈ પકૃતથી નાસી ગયું ?"  

"બ્રહ્માણ, ક્ષત્રિય, વૈશ્ય ને શુદ્ર, 
એ હરિનો પિંડ અખા કોણ ક્ષુદ્ર ? 
અખે રામ એવો ઓળખ્યો, 
જે કાગળમેશ ન જાયે લખ્યો."
"તિલક કરતા ત્રેપન થયાં, 
જપમાલાના નાકાં ગયાં, 
તીરથ ફરી ફરી થાક્યાં ચરણ, 
તોય ન પોહોશો હારીને શરણ." 

"એક મૂરખને એવી ટેવ 
પથ્થર એટલા પૂજે દેવ 
પાણી દેખી કરે સ્નાન 
તુલસી દેખી તોડે પાન. 
એ અખા બહુ ઉતપાત 
ઘણા પરમેશ્વર એ ક્યાંની વાત?"  

Akha Bhagats Statue in Desai Pol

English Translation

Akha Bhagat was one of the greatest bhakti poets of Gujarat during the 17th century. His main work of action was in the Khadia locality of Ahmedabad. Akha was a goldsmith by caste and one of the three sons Kahandas. Akha’s ancestors had come from a village called Srimala, located near the border of Rajasthan. Therefore his clan is also known as Srimali Soni. However, Akha’s birth place was Jetalpur, a small village near Ahmedabad. Akha with his father and sister had come to Ahmedabad to earn livelihood as goldsmiths. In Ahmedabad they settled in Desai ni Pol in Khadia. Akha had lost his mother in his childhood and his father died when he was twenty years old. Luck did not favour him as his lost both his first and second wife during his youth.

Akha was a great soul, compassionate and trustworthy. He had a great reputation as a goldsmith in the tanksal (the Mughal mint) during the time of the Emperor Jahangir.
Two incidents had considerable impact in his life. On his neighbourhood lived a young lady called Jamunaben to whom Akha treated as his own sister. Once Jamunaben asked Akha to make a necklace for her and gave him three hundred rupees. Akha was very happy to make it and out of love added another hundred rupees to make it more beautiful. Yet when he finished it making and offered to Jamunaben he was greatly disappointed due to her doubt about the mixing of poor quality gold.

Akha was very hurt about his sister’s doubt towards him.
In another incident...Akha was one of the heads of the mint and was in charge of making gold coins. His associates were jealous of him and complained to the mint head against Akha as mixing poor quality material while making coins. He was however proved innocent.
These two events were turning points in his life. He threw all his instruments and tools in the well. Akha then left home in search of a real guru for seeking guidance. He could not find a proper guru in Ahmedabad and therefore wandered in Gokul, Mathura and Kashi. But everywhere he was disappointed as the gurus he met had so much of vested interest. He donated all his saving for genuine causes. His soul became more enlightened. He wrote: “for long time I was crying, so all of a sudden god erupted”.

Akha was known for his poetries to enlighten the society which had become worst during his time. Akha attacked social mores with a vengeance fearlessly lashed out at mindless rituals, ridiculed the system in his unique style immortalised as the ‘chhappa’. Nothing escaped his attack – from the religious gurus to the caste system of prevailing condition. He ridiculed them all with his satire. 

One such example is:
A girl born in the house of an untouchable, marries a Brahmin andVaishnav;They enjoy sex with her round the yearYet they follow the rules of untouchability very strictlyThe style of his writing was simple and easy to follow for a common man. He had voiced against the hypocrisy in the society.

There is no other one like Akha in the five hundred years history of Gujarati literature. Like jewellery, his poems were full of aesthetics.

Today, thanks to the effort by the heritage cell of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, a beautiful sculpture of Akha is erected at Desai ni Pol, and its surrounding is named after him – Akha Bhagat ni Chowk. His 12th generation descendents live opposite to the statue in Desai ni pol.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

1 mystery , 1 Conspiracy.. Assasination of Mahatma Gandhi

Nathuram Vinayak Godse (Marathi: नथूराम विनायक गोडसे) (19 May 1910 – 15 November 1949), from the city of Pune, India was a Hindutva activist and journalist, who was the assassin of Mahatma Gandhi. Along with his brother Gopal Godse and six other co-conspirators, he executed a plot to assassinate Gandhi.

Nathuram Godse
Early life

Nathuram Godse was born in Baramati, Pune District in a Chitpavan Brahmin family. His father, Vinayak Vamanrao Godse, was a post office employee and his mother was Lakshmii (née Godavari). At birth, he was named Ramachandra.
A commonly held theory suggests that Nathuram was given his name because of an unfortunate incident. Before he was born, his parents had three sons and a daughter, with all three boys dying in their infancy. Fearing a curse that targeted male children, young Ramachandra was brought up as a girl for the first few years of his life, including having his nose pierced and being made to wear a nose-ring ("Nath" in Marathi). It was then that he earned the nickname "Nathuram" (literally "Ram with a nose-ring"). After his younger brother was born, they switched to treating him as a boy.
However, other biographers dismiss this claim, together with claims that Godse was a homosexual, as a fabrication by the Congress Party of India, meant to exploit the prejudices against transvestites and homosexuals in conservative Indian society in order to demonize Godse.
Nathuram Godse attended the local school at Baramati through the fifth standard, after which he was sent to live with an aunt in Pune so that he could study at an English-language school. During his school days, he highly respected Gandhi.
In 1930, Nathuram's father was transferred to the town of Ratnagiri.

Political Career

Godse dropped out of high school and became an activist with Hindu nationalist organizations such as the Hindu Mahasabha, and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), although the RSS has claimed he left during the mid-1930s, almost 20 years prior to the assassination. They were particularly opposed to the separatist politics of the All India Muslim League. Godse started a Marathi newspaper for Hindu Mahasabha called Agrani, which some years later was renamed. Hindu Rashtra.
The Hindu Mahasabha had initially backed Gandhi's campaigns of civil disobedience against the British government.
Godse later rejected Gandhi, after what he saw as Gandhi's repeated sabotage against the interests of Hindus by using the blackmailing tactic of "fasting unto death" on many issues. In Godse's view, Gandhi was giving into Muslim interests in ways that seemed unfair and anti-national. He blamed Gandhi for the Partition of India, which left hundreds of thousands of people dead in the wake of religious unrest.
Godse was against Gandhi's personal teachings of extreme or absolutist non violence. He thought that such non-violent ideology would lead to Hindus losing the will to fight against other religions, which he saw as a matter of self-defense, and thereby becoming permanently enslaved. This has been said to be one of the major reasons behind his decision to kill Gandhi.


Millions of Indians mourned Gandhi's assassination. The Hindu Mahasabha was vilified and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the RSS, was temporarily banned. However, investigators could find no evidence that the RSS bureaucracy had formally sponsored or even knew of Godse's plot. The RSS ban was lifted by Prime Minister Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in 1949.

The RSS, to this day denies any connection with Godse, and disputes the claim that he was a member.

After the assassination, many criticized the Indian government for not doing more to protect Gandhi who, earlier in the week, had been the target of a bomb plot by the same conspirators who later shot him. Of particular concern, was the fact that a Bombay detective had wired the names and descriptions of the assassins along with the fact that they were known to be in Delhi stalking Gandhi. On the other hand, Gandhi had repeatedly refused to cooperate with his own security and had resigned himself to a violent death which he accepted as an inevitable part of his destiny.

A film, Nine Hours to Rama, was made in 1963 and was based on the events leading up to the assassination, seen mainly from Godse's point of view. The film Hey Ram, made in 2000, also briefly touches upon events related to the assassination. The popular Marathi language play Mee Nathuram Godse Boltoy (Marathi: मी नथुराम गोडसे बोलतोय)("I am Nathuram Godse, Speaking") was also made from Godse's point of view.



Books on Nathuram Godse

Three books were based on Nathuram Godse in which the author narrated his life story and why he assassinated Gandhi. But the books were banned by government. The books were: 1. Why I assassinated Mahatma Gandhi, published by Surya Bharti, Delhi, India, 2003. ISBN 1-375-09979-6 2. May it Please your Honor!, published by Surya Bharti, India, 2003 3. Gandhi Vadh aur Main(Gandhi Hatya Aani Me) by his brother Gopal Godse in 1989.



Few last snaps of Gandhiji

Gandhi Negro












Group photo of people accused in the murder of Mohandas Gandhi. Standing, L to R: Shankar Kistaiya, Gopal Godse, Madanlal Pahwa, Digambar Ramchandra Badge. Seated, L to R: Narayan Apte, Vinayak D. Savarkar, Nathuram Godse, Vishnu Karkare
Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi

Godse approached Gandhi on January 30, 1948 during the evening prayer and bowed. One of the girls flanking and supporting Gandhi, Abha Chattopadhyay, said to him, "Brother, Bapu is already late" and tried to put him off but he pushed her aside and shot Gandhi in the chest three times at point-blank range with a semi-automatic pistol. Gandhi died almost immediately. After shooting, Godse did not try to run or threaten anyone else. He was attacked and pinned to the ground by the crowd around him and was subsequently arrested when a small group of police officers arrived on the scene a few minutes later


Following the assassination of Mohandas Gandhi, he was put on trial beginning May 27, 1948 at Peterhoff, Shimla which housed the Punjab High Court.
On November 8 1948, Godse delivered his statement in court enunciating the reasons and motives for the assassination
[As I grew up I developed a tendency to free thinking unfettered by any superstitious allegiance to any isms, political or religious. That is why I worked actively for the eradication of untouchability and the caste system based on birth alone. I openly joined anti-caste movements and maintained that all Hindus are of equal status as to rights, social and religious, and should be considered high or low on merit alone and not through the accident of birth in a particular caste or profession. I used publicly to take part in organized anti-caste dinners which thousands of Hindus, Brahmins, Vaishyas, Kshatriyas, Chamars and Bhangis participated. We broke the caste rules and dined in the company of each other
---Nathuram Godse Answer to the charge sheet (Excerpts from the para 26-27) ]

He listed Dadabhai Naoroji, Swami Vivekananda, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Bal Gangadhar Tilak as his influences, along with the ancient and modern histories of India, England, France, America and Russia, and the tenets of Socialism and Marxism. (Para 27)
[ All this reading and thinking brought me to believe that above all it was my first duty to serve the Hindudom and the Hindu people, as a patriot and even as a humanitarian. For, is it not true that to secure the freedom and to safeguard the just interests of some thirty crores of Hindus constituted the freedom and the well-being of one fifth of human race ? This conviction led me naturally to devote myself to the new Hindu Sanghatanist ideology and programme which alone I came to believe, could win and preserve the national independence of Hindusthan, my Motherland and enable her to render true service to humanity as well.
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Para. 28) ]
He dismissed Gandhi's policies of truth and non-violence as "nothing new or original" and considered them "implicit in every constitutional public movement". He defended the use of righteous violence against aggression and quoted the examples of Shivaji, Rana Pratap and Guru Govind Singh. He rebuked Gandhi for his "self-conceit" for condemning them as misguided patriots.
He accused Gandhi of paradoxically being a "violent pacifist" who brought calamities to the country through non-violence. According to Godse, Gandhi developed a "subjective mentality under which he alone was to be the final judge of what was right or wrong" and accused him of having too much power.
[ If the country wanted his leadership, it had to accept his infallibility; if it did not, he would stand aloof from the Congress and carry on in his own way. Against such an attitude there can be no halfway house. Either Congress had to surrender its will to his and had to be content with playing second fiddle to all his eccentricity, whimsicality, metaphysics and primitive vision, or it had to carry on without him. He alone was the judge of everyone and everything; he was the master brain guiding the Civil Disobedience movement; no other could know the technique of that movement. He alone knew when to begin it and when to withdraw it. The movement might succeed or fail, but that could make no difference to the Mahatma's infallibility. 'A Satyagrahi can never fail' was his formula for his own infallibility and nobody except himself knew what a Satyagrahi is.
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Excerpt from Para. 69) ]
Godse rebuked Gandhi's "childish insanities and obstinacies". According to Godse, Gandhi did not allow any room for people to disagree with his "irrational" policies. Thus, Godse held Gandhi's irresponsibility as the cause of "blunder after blunder, failure after failure, and disaster after disaster".
Godse accused Gandhi of having a blatant pro-Muslim policy and quoted Gandhi's support for Hindustani (Hindi-Urdu) (which was synonymous to Urdu) as the national language of India after the Muslims objected to Hindi and claimed that all of Gandhi's experiments were at the expense of the Hindus.
[ Gandhiji began to hold his prayer meetings in a Hindu temple in Bhangi Colony and persisted in reading passages from Quoran as a part of the prayer in that Hindu temple in spite of the protest of the Hindu worshippers there. Of course he dared not read the Geeta in a mosque in the teeth of Muslim opposition. He knew what a terrible Muslim reaction would have been if he had done so. But he could safely trample over the feelings of the tolerant Hindu. To belie this belief I was determined to prove to Gandhiji that the Hindu too could be intolerant when his honour was insulted.
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Para. 35) ]

He explained that Gandhi's unfair treatment and hypocrisy was the cause of his anger.

[ The fact that Gandhiji honoured the religious books of Hindus, Muslims and others or that he used to recite during his prayers verses from the Geeta, the Quoran and Bible never provoked any ill will in me towards him. To my mind it is not at all objectionable to study comparative religion. Indeed it is a merit.
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Para. 48) ]

He quoted numerous examples of Gandhi's bias such as the fast for the payment of Rs. 55 crores to Pakistan, his support for the Khilafat movement and the invasion of India by the Amir of Afghanistan, his denunciation of the Arya Samaj which included several nationalist leaders, his silence over the subsequent murder of Swami Shraddhanand by a Muslim, his support for the separation of Sind, his placation of Jinnah and the Muslim League, his denial of slaughter and forced conversion of Hindus by Muslims in the Moplah Riots despite evidence to the contrary, opposition to the singing of Vande Mataram, his contrasting treatment of Hindu and Muslim princes, support for cow-slaughter, opposition to Shivaji's Flag, his hypocrisy over the violent Quit India movement (by his call to "Do or Die"), among others. (Para. 69)
Godse firmly believed in a secular State and was opposed to the supremacist demands of the Muslim League (Para 51).
Godse accused Gandhi of infatuation with the Muslim League even after the massacre of Hindus by Muslims after Direct Action Day and despite their increasing disloyalty and treason to the Interim Government. He also denounced the Congress, which had boasted of its "nationalism and secularism", of surrendering to Jinnah and accepting Pakistan at the "point of the bayonet".

[ This is what Gandhiji had achieved after thirty years of undisputed dictatorship and this is what the Congress Party calls 'Freedom'. Never in the history of the world has such slaughter been officially connived at or the result described as Freedom, and 'Peaceful Transfer of power' If what happened in India in 1946, 1947 and 1948 is to be called peaceful one wonders what would be the violent. Hindu Muslim Unity bubble was finally burst and a theocratic and communal State dissociated from everything that smacked of United India was established with the consent of Nehru and his crowd and they have called it `Freedom won by them at sacrifice'. Whose sacrifice?
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Excerpt from Para. 69 ]

According to Godse, Gandhi did not impose any conditions on Muslims because Jinnah and the Muslim League were not at all perturbed or influenced by his fasts and attached no value to his voice. He also criticized Gandhi's epithet "The Father of India" for failing in his paternal duty as he consented to its partition. He claimed Gandhi failed in his duty and proved to be the father of Pakistan.
[ His inner-voice, his spiritual power, his doctrine of non-violence of which so much is made of, all crumbled against Jinnah's iron will and proved to be powerless.
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Para. 91) ]
He criticized Gandhi's non-violent policy during the communal clashes:

"We should with a cool mind reflect when we are being swept away. Hindus should never be angry against the Muslims even if the latter might make up their minds to undo even their existence. If they put all of us to the sword, we should court death bravely, may they, even rule the world, we, shall inhabit the world. At least we should never fear death. We are destined to be born and die; then why need we feel gloomy over it? If all of us die with a smile on our lips, we shall enter a new life. We shall originate a new Hindustan."

[ Had this act not been done by me, of course it would have been better for me. But circumstances were beyond my control. So strong was the impulse of my mind that I felt that this man should not be allowed to meet a natural death so that the world may know that he had to pay the penalty of his life for his unjust, anti-national and dangerous favouritism towards a fanatical section of the country. I decided to put an end to this matter and to the further massacre of lacs of Hindus for no fault of theirs. May God now pardon him for his egoistic nature which proved to be too disastrous for the beloved sons of this Holy Land.
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Para. 140) ]

Godse foresaw that he would be hated by the people, his future would be totally ruined, and that he would lose all his honour, which he held more valuable than his life, if he were to assassinate Gandhi. However, he considered that Indian politics in Gandhi's absence would be practical, able to retaliate and be powerful with the armed forces, and that "the nation would be saved from the inroads of Pakistan".
He then confessed that he fired the shots at Gandhi on January 30 1948, on the prayer-grounds in Birla House.
[ I do say that my shots were fired at the person whose policy and action had brought rack and ruin and destruction to millions of Hindus. There was no legal machinery by which such an offender could be brought to book and for this reason I fired those fatal shots. I bear no ill will towards anyone individually, but I do say that I had no respect for the present government owing to their policy, which was unfairly favourable towards the Muslims. But at the same time I could clearly see that the policy was entirely due to the presence of Gandhi.
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Excerpt from Para. 135) ]

He then accused Prime Minister Nehru of hypocrisy with his speeches of secularism, because he was instrumental in creating the Islamic state of Pakistan along with Gandhi's persistent policy of appeasement towards the Muslims.
[ Finally, I now stand before the court to accept the full share of my responsibility for what I have done and the judge would, of course, pass against me such orders of sentence as may be considered proper. But I would like to add that I do not desire any mercy to be shown to me, nor do I wish that anyone should beg for mercy on my behalf. My confidence about the moral side of my action has not been shaken even by the criticism levelled against it on all sides. I have no doubt that honest writers of history will weigh my act and find the true value thereof someday in future.
Nathuram Godse, Answer to the Charge Sheet (Para. 150) ]
In the light of the statement, Justice Khosla commented :

The highlight of the appeal before us was the discourse delivered by Nathuram Godse in his defence. He spoke for several hours, discussing, in the first instance, the facts of the case and then the motive, which had prompted him to take Mahatma Gandhi’s life. The audience was visibly and audibly moved. There was a deep silence when he ceased speaking. Many women were in tears and men coughing and searching for their handkerchiefs. The silence was accentuated and made deeper by the sound of an occasional subdued sniff or a muffled cough…
I have however, no doubt that had the audience of that day been constituted into a jury and entrusted with the task of deciding Godse’s appeal, they would have brought in a verdict of ‘not guilty’ by an over-whelming majority.’


On November 8, 1949, Godse was sentenced to death. Among those calling for commutation of the death sentence for the defendants were Jawaharlal Nehru, as well as Gandhi's two sons, who felt that executing their father's killers would dishonour his memory and legacy which included a staunch opposition to the death penalty. Godse was hanged at Ambala Jail on November 15, 1949, along with Narayan Apte, the other conspirator. Savarkar was also charged with conspiracy in the assassination of Gandhi, but was acquitted and subsequently released.


Monday 2 January 2012

Who is God?? --- Prashant Challa

On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, warrior Arjuna asks Lord Krishna to describe himself. Krishna’s response is what most Hindus believe who God is. Excerpted from the sacred Bhagavad Gita.

I am the conscience in the heart of all creatures;
I am their beginning, their being, their end;
I am the mind of the senses,
I am the radiant sun among lights;
I am the song in sacred lore;
I am the king of deities;
I am the priest of great seers;
Of words, I am the eternal OM,
the prayer of sacrifices.
I am the measure of what endures..
I am the chief of divine sages,
leader of celestial musicians.
I am the recluse philosopher among saints.
I am the thunderbolt among weapons,
among cattle, the Kamadhenu.
I am the procreative god of love.
I am the endless cosmic serpent,
the lord of all sea creatures;
I am the chief of the ancestral fathers.
I am gracious Shiva among howling storms.
Of restraints, I am death,
Of measures, I am time.
I am the purifying wind.
I am the cleansing Ganga.
Of sciences, I am the science of the self;
I am the dispute of orators.
I am victory and resolve,
the lucidity of lucid men.
I am the brilliance of fiery heroes.
I am the morality of ambitious men;
I am the silence of the mystery
I am the seed of all creatures,
I am the death destroyer of all.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Circle of Life...He Bhagwan Aaa Su Chhe, Amm Admi ni Vyatha

Krushna Bhagwan Mahabharat naam na Dharmgranth na rachaita Shir Vedvyas na manmandir na devta bani rahya che. Darek Hindu Krushna naam leta saame sudarshan chakra ane mithi muskaan vara bhagwan ishwar najar samaksh lai aavse, tena vishe nu chitra shashtro ane puranoma chhe aej  rehvanu. Aastik ane Naastik vachhe patdi rekha chhe shashtro ma varnan mujabna krishna makhan khaai chhe, mota thaya pachi gedi dada thi rame chhe, kadio naag ne naathe chhe, gaayo charave chhe. vaasdi vagaade chhe ne gopi saathe raas rachave chhe, gopi ne chhede chhe, matki fode chhe, kans ne maari naakhe chhe, sudama saathe bhane chhe, mathurathi dwarka ma jai ane raani saathe rahe chhe, Ghani badhi raani ne swayamvar mathi haran kare chhe. Mahabharat yuddh ma Arjun na saarthi thai chhe.

Dhrutrashtra raja ne Sanjay ni commentry sambhdavva ne mate raakhe chhe. Yudhh na ehvaal aapto Sanjay pehlo khabar patri chhe, " Live telecast yuddh" ni vyavastha krushna kare chhe. Aa krushna charit ma koi bhul hoi to prabhu kshama kare chhe..

Have shashtro ma Krushna varnan pila pitambar ne jarkashi jama chhe. Mand mand muskaan chhe, maathe morpinch ane bhagwan ne dahi, doodh, makhan ane derino dhandho karvavaro kahu to khotu nathi. pan tene marriage beauro chalavnaro kehvo ke yuddhh ma shashtro ane sena no saudagar kehvo ae guno banse , karan ke shashtro ma nathi. Etle krushna daadhi-much vara chitre ae chitrakaar ne pan samaj nahi chhode, Paanch hajjar varsh pehla aankho na chashma na hata eva bhagwan ni kalpana karvi Ae pan guno bane chhe. Pan mandir ma sundar majjani murti Radhaji ane Krushna bhagwan, Rukhshamaniji ane Shyamsundar murli manohar roopvara bhagwan na darshan maate mandir javuj padse.

Mandir ni bahar bhagwan ne shodhvo chhe to pehla shashtroktvidhi thi pran pratishtha pamela bhagwan ne prasad dharvo joiye. teni saame ubha rahine tena daagina ane shrungaar joi ne kehvu joiye ( Ae sambhde Aem ) Ke he bhagwan mara jeva ghana manav baal ane manav mata-pita jene tara jagat ma janma lidho chhe, pan nathi petno jathragni bujavi sakta ke nathi atankvadi ni goodi roki sakta to dhul padi tara prasaad ma ane shrungaar ma.

Aam Bhagwaan ne kaho ane koi bija darshanarthi saambhdi jaay to tema naastik ane aastikni bhedrekha bhusati nathi, ane aava nandu jeva chandu thi shu darvu have marvanu to darek ne chhej to aa dunia nu sarjan mara ek maate to nathi j karyu ane karyu to pan koi upkaar nathi karyo, karan sarkaar na naat jaat na tax chhe.swaas levano tax baaki chhe. Road upar vahan challavano tax to chhe j pan jivva no tax bai chhe, ae bhale leti, aavi rite bhagwan na mandir ma vaat karta jo koi pan rite sudarshan chakra haath ma le ane hindustan ni praja kashmir ni praja ane jagat na tamam jiv ne tena dushmano thi bachave maari hatave ane ann, vastro ane rehthaan aape, Athva aa jagat na karta-harta kehvanu chhodi de.

Sudama ne raatoraat dukh door karvathi ane Narsinh mehta, Meera, Jala no Krushna kehvathi shu fer padyo chhe? Garib ane laachar banvanu bandh karo Antankvadi ne aavva nu bandh thai to vishvana Bhagwan puri duniya ni Ishwar kehvaai.

Panso varsh pehla na bhakto ni bhakti ane aaj na santoni bhakti ma evo shu mota tafavat chhe ke Narsinh mehta, Meerabaai ane Janabaai gnaneshwar ane Jalaram bapa ne darshan thaya chhe ane aaj na Tamburo vagaadta, katha karta T.V upar mahaan gnan ni vaat karta ( hajaro ma chhe ) te kem jaaher nathi karta ke temne parbhu darshan thya chhe? Aa tenu proof aa teni saabiti pan evu nathi thatu ane meta ni hundi swikaraai chhe. Meera nu Jer marut thay chhe.

Meta ne rasleelana darshan thay chhe, tema 1600 gopi 1600 kaan dekhai chhe, Shu aa badha bhakto Skizofeniya naam na maansik rog na shikaar hase? Psychitic doctor ae jamana ma nota ae vaat khari chhe. to meta, Narsinh mehta Aatli prasiddhi kevi rite mali? Samachaar sankhya ane akhbaar, chhapa, T.V vagar aatlu sundar karya prasidhh kem thayu ae jaanva jevu chhe.......

He Bhagwan marathi kaai bhul thai ho to maaf karjo..


Monday 21 November 2011

Circle of life .. Super Power Prabhu Chandu

ભાંગી પડેલ બ્રહ્માંડ ના અવશેષો.

Jem mohammad-Al-Rasulla ane Islamna rachiya Kuran ane teni ayato, fatva, ane farmaan, garib praja aanu anukaran kare. Ek jaat ni parampara bane chhe, Isah Masih na jivan ma baneli ghatna ne Bible naam aapyu, Hindu ma jem vishnu avatar chhe tem Bible ma pan ek pachi ek chovis avatar aave chhe, Arre jain dharm pan vishnu avatar nu sidhu anukaran karvu, 24 tirthkar banavya, Ane vrushab avatar je jain dharm na sthapak chhe tene krishna na kaka na dikra banavya, ava dharm chhe jain to pacha hindu thi alag ganave chhe, newspaper ma jain maran ni column alag aave chhe. Aava nana - nana dharm to anek chhe.
Tulsidas chandan ghase, tilak kare. Raghuveer aa ketlu badhu pagalpan story sathe fit thavanu???

Superpower nu chitra magaj ma aave chhe. Man thi ek story taiyaar thai chhe. Teni bhumika nakki thai chhe, ane tenu naam CHANDU rakhsu, Europe , America, Arbastan, Africa ma parakram karto batavvu, tenu varnan karvu ne viraat svarup karto Chandu sukshma svarup pan kari sake chhe, Chandu bhagwan bharat ma  janma dharine pura vishwa ne sukh aapvama bharpur prayaas kare chhe.

Hydrogen, Nitrogn, ane Atom bomb no jya hoi tyathi naash kare chhe, Prabhu Chandu darek ne priya hoi chhe, Mahan Chandu aa jagat upar ekaj dharm aape chhe.

CHANDU DHARM , Chandu Gita, Chandu Kuraan, Chandu Bible. Darek dharm Chandu thi sharu thai chhe ane Chandu  thi khatam thai chhe. Maa-Baap Chandu dharm pade chhe, tyare to navu baal aa jagat juye chhe. Mahan Chandu ma j jagat samayel chhe ane kharekhar Gita, Bible Kuraan, Bible mahan ane faldrup bheja nij upaj chhe.

Super power ishwar jenu naam Chandu hoi to pan kaai farak nathi padto ane Nandu hoi to pa n shu?
Have Chandu ne nava vishva nu sarjan karvu hoi ane tene Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isaai vara jagat ma thayeli bhul ne dur karine ek navi duniya banavvanu vichare chhe. Chandu ni ichha mujab nu vishva hoi te chandune apne jannavaanu ane te vishe darek ekmat thai tevu list aa rahyu.

He Shri Chandudev, tamara nava vishva ma manvi ne sukhsagvad aapvi ho to ekaj bhagwan no kaydo raakhso. Garib ane Amir mathi fakt ek raakhsho, garib to garib, amir to amir. Aa jagat upar tamoae jaat jaat na prayog karya chhe, aavu have nahi karo, Bimaari nu naam tamari diary mathi kadhi nakhso, Ema hospital ane doctor nuj Bhalu thayu chhe, Bimaar to bas Bimaar j rahe chhe.

He Chandu, navi duniya ma vahan bilkul nahi banavto, Train , Aeroplane, Steamer ane ghana vahan vinashkari chhe. He bhagwan, chandu dharm ane jaati kajiya have bandh karavje, Aama kaik nirdoshna Jiv jaay chhe, Karm nu Ratan bahu thayu have bas...

 He Chandresh bhagwan fakir jati utpann karje, pan bhikhari nahi, Fakir koi ne gaar gaar nathi aapto, fakir teni Amiri ma Jivto hoichhe, Fakir baadshah chhe.

Bhagwan chandu Nava vishva ma navi duniya aa 6 abaj uparna jivne eksaathe jaad-pan ni jem vavi nathi sakto to jem kutch na bhukamp ma andaje 3-4 lakh jivne ek saathe lidha chhe, tene aajkaal na santo pravachan ma karm nu fal aape chhe, ane santo T.V culture ne shobhave chhe te darek kutch na bhukamp ma mrutyu pamela mate karma na fal no no shabd aape chhe. Aava santo ne pehla je kutch ma mrutyu pamela chhe tya daati deva joi, ane pachi santo ne karm nu fal khavdavvu joi. Gita ma Arjun ne krushna gnan aape chhe. Ae Tambura jeva santo ne khabar nathi ke ae yuddh no sidhhant chhe. Tema Krishna Gita nu gnan relavse, pan tambura na taar vagarna santo T.V upar gnan relavvana ek sant karm upar bolyo etle bija darek ni jaane faraj hoi em gnan na anjvara karse.

Chandu na nava vishva ma jivan ni jaruru hase, ane bhukamp ma mrutyu pamela jivan ne purvaj banavi vishaal brahman ma kyak Chandu nu Chandaal pan hase. Tya navi duniya ma He Chandu aap satat haajar rehjo, AA ruthvi upar aape anek janam lidha chhe, Ran ane Krishna, Allah ane Isu jeva banya chho, pan pujya Chandu have evu nahi karta ne fakt Chandushvar banine aa jagatnu dhyan raakhso. Aapni office ma ek complaint book rakhsho. Jem ahi ni S.T ma chhe. State Transport ma pravas karta koi takleef janai to bus conducter pase complaint book rahe chhe. He Chandu ishwar aapne jagat utpatti ane naash banne karvano shokh chhe, etle aavi vaat thai chhe, baaki aap to antaryaami chho.

Prabhu Chandresh aapne ek savaal ae babatma karvo chhe ke tame antar yaami kevi rite chho?


Circle of Life Cont...

ભાંગી પડેલ બ્રહ્માંડ ના અવશેષો

koi pan prakaar ni sheh sharam rakhya vagar vicharono pravah vehto gayo chhe. saara ane kharab ni parvah kene karvi ae pan nakki nathi. Jivan jivva mate samjan shakti ane svasthya joiye, sampati joiye, santati joiye, ae nathi to jivan no matlab pan nathi.

Aa aape chhe kaun? Jivan jivva ma maa-baap ane ishwar mathi koi ek ne mahatva ochu nahi ankiye, aa traney thij jivan bane chhe. Saru ke kharab ae naseeb upar chhe, Naseebthi j Sanyog bane ane sanyog thi ghatna ghate chhe. GHATNA MAJ ISHWAR CHHE.

Ghatna ghatva ma ishwar chhe, to te sarvatra chhe. Darek vyakti pase chhe, karan ke darek na jivan ghatna ghate chhe. Vyakti ni aaju baaju ma jo ishwar chhe to dekhato kem nathi???

Circle of life cont...

ભાંગી પડેલ બ્રહ્માંડ ના અવશેષો

વાત ને જરા આગળ વધારીએ ને થોડી ગમ્મત ની વાતો કરીએ,  આજકાલ આપડે જે જમવાનું વધે છે એટલે ક એથ્વાદ  કાઢીએ છે તે આપડે ગાય કુતરા ને ખાવા આપી દ્યે છે,
જેમ ડોક્ટર ક્યે છે કે નિમક ની અંદર iodine હોઈ  છે તેના થી માનસ ના મગજ નું વિકાસ થઇ છે, તે રીતે જો આપડે જે વધેલું અનાજ જે ગાય કુતરા ને નાખીએ છે તેના થી પણ તેમના મગજ ને બુદ્ધિ નો વિકાસ થાય છે તે વાત થી આપડે મો ફેરવી ના શકીએ. 
આજકાલ આપડે જોતા હસું કે બપોર નો જયારે જમવાનો સમય થતો હશે ત્યારેજ અચાનક બારે ડેલા ને ખાખ્દાવાનો અવાજ આપડે સમ્ભાદ્સું ,અને બહાર નીકળતા જોસુ તો ગાય છે એ એના મોઢા માં ડેલા નો આગરીયો લઇ ને ડેલો પછાડે છે,
જો ગાય માં આટલી બુદ્ધિમતા આવી ગઈ છે તો તેનું કારણ આપડે જે નિમક વારુ ભોજન તેમને પ્રસીયે છે તેજ છે.
કુતરાઓ ને પણ તરત જ જ્ઞાન થઇ જાય છે  કે કોની ઉપર ભરોસો કરવો ને ક્યારે પૂછડી દબાવી ને ભાગી જાવું .
કેહ્વાનું તાત્પર્ય એમ છે ક છેલા ૧૦ વરસ માં જો પશુઓ માં આમ અપડા પીરસેલા ભોજન નો આટલો પ્રભાવ પડી સકે તો , આગળ ના ૨૦૦-૫૦૦ વરસ પછી કૈક અલગ જ જોવા મળશે.
આજે જેમ નાની નાની બાળાઓ એ માસી કાઈ ખાવાનું હોઈ તો આપો ને કરી ને વધેલું અનાજ લઇ જાય છે, તેવી રીતે આગળ નો જમાનો એમ આવશે કે ગાય ઘર ના ડેલા pase આવી ને ગાનગણશે કે (ગાય ના જાડા અવાજ માં) એ માસી કાઈ ખાવાનું હોઈ તો આપો, અને જેમ સાંજે શક ભાજી ની માર્કેટ માં અત્યારે એમ કેવાય છે કે ગયું ને બાયું નો ત્રાસ છે ત્યારે ગયું એમ કેસે કે આજકાલ માણઆ   ને પાણા ને ત્રાસ છે.

ત્યારે જીવન માં એવું બનશે ક કોઈ ગાય રસ્તા વાચ્ચે બેઠી હશે તો હોર્ન વગાડવા થી હટશે નઈ, પણ સામો જવાબ આપસે, કે અવાજ કરવાનો બંધ કર અને બીજા રસ્તે થી વયો જા. 

કુતરાઓ નો ત્રાસ એટલો તો વધી જશે કે અત્યારે જોવામાં આવતા કુતરાઓ ના ઇલાકા ત્યારે માણસો ને વસમાં પડશે, કે આ આપડી શેરી નો માનસ નથી, અને કુતરા ને જો પથ્હાર ઉપાડી ને મારવાની 
try  કરશું તો
સામે થી બોલશે ક ધ્યાન રાખજે હું બદલો લીસ, છોથે પે છોથા.

આ વિષય ઉપર તો ઘણી વાત થઇ સકે એમ છે, વધુ તો આપડે પછી નિરાત ના સમયે વાત કરશું.

અસ્તુ યા થી સમાપ્ત કરીએ ,તો માલસું ત્યારે.
રામે રામ.